So far in the pregnancy, I’ve had more cravings then aversions (shocking, coming from a fat girl, I know). I’ve always been a little weird when it comes to craving food. Instead of craving taste, I always have craved HOW to eat the food. Like if I’m craving a hamburger or a sandwich, it’s because I’m craving holding the food in my hand and eating it. If I’m craving spaghetti, it’s because I need to twirl the fork. Super weird, I know. But now, I definitely crave tastes. Sweet, salty, whatever.
Here is a list of the things I can’t live without:
1. Ho Ho’s - yes, these chocolatey logs of Heaven were my first real craving. Mike had a softball game at Franklin Park, and I was asked by one of his teammates to get some water from the concession stand. As I was standing in line, I saw the glorious Ho Ho’s and they sounded good, so I got one. After about 15 minutes, I went and got another one. 20 minutes after that, I got another one. The count is now at 3, but it doesn’t stop there. 5 separate times I went to the concession stand and bought a Ho Ho. Thank God I am friends with the guy that works there and he knows I’m pregnant.
2. Olive Garden Salad - Although I haven’t had the chance to get this yet, I want it so bad I can taste it. As those of you who are Facebook friends with me well know, I could kill someone for this salad. The mixture of dressing, red onions, tomatoes, cheese, and those wonderful croutons could drive anyone crazy. Especially me.
3. Brownies - I told Deborah (who I like to call my Work Mom) that brownies sounded delicious one day, and, magically, the next day, she had some brownies for me (she takes very good care of me…hence the nickname). I am not joking when I say that these were the best thing I have ever eaten in my life. Not just because they were baked perfectly, but just the chocolate and the crumbliness…sweet Jesus. Soooooo good.
And here is the one thing that I absolutely cannot stand:
1. Chicken - yes, chicken. I used to love chicken. Now just the thought of it makes me sick to my stomach. I don't even want to post a picture of it, just because it will make me gag. It happened over July 4th weekend, when we went out to a lake cabin with Mike’s sister and a bunch of her friends. It was a super blast, and each couple took turns cooking meals. One of the couples made macaroni and cheese and bbq’d chicken. I don’t know if it was the way it was cooked, or what it was marinated in, but it instantly turned me off to it. Icky.
That is all the cravings and aversions I’ve had so far. If any more come up, I’ll be sure to let you know!