Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Grandparents' Names...

Both Mike's parents and mine have decided what they would like to be called by Nickel. Well, to be truthful, Mike's mom picked hers, Mike picked his dad's, and I picked my parents, but hey, who's keeping track.

Mike's parents will be 'Grammy' and 'Pop Pop'. Mike's mom picked 'Grammy' because it rhymes with 'Tammy' (her name), and Mike picked 'Pop Pop' because Mike and his brother call him 'Pop'.

My parents will be 'Grampie' and 'Nonnie'. I picked those because that's what I call my grandparents on my dad's side. Mom's not so pumped about being called 'Nonnie', but I gotta push Nickel out of me, so I get to say what she's called. So there.