Morning sickness for me hasn’t really been that bad. I feel bad complaining at all, knowing what my best friend Kate went through with both of her sons. I’ve dry heaved a lot. And by a lot, I mean A LOT. But I’ve only really thrown up once. On the softball field. Because I’m classy like that.
90% of my sickness has been just super-strength nausea. It feels like I have puke right in my chest, ready to spring at any moment, but it just never comes. And it doesn’t limit itself to just the morning. It did at first, but now, I can wake up feeling awesome in the morning, go through my day, then at about 2pm, it hits me like a brick wall. I stand over a toilet or lean over the trash can at my desk, just waiting for it to come, but it never does. I find that 7up and saltines are my savior. I felt crappy one day before a softball game, and ended up drinking an entire 2-liter of 7up during the course of the game. And honestly, it made me feel better.
I really thought at first I’d glide through this pregnancy with zero morning sickness. My mom never had any with either me or my sister, but all it took was Mike making a pineapple marinade, and BOOM! Hello morning sickness! So, to sum up, it’s all Mike’s fault :)