Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Baby Names...

We actually have tentatively decided on some names. If it’s a boy, it will be Nicholas after my dad. If it’s a girl, it will be Elizabeth because I have always loved that name, and it is also Mike’s sister’s middle name. Mike gets to pick the middle name for the boy, but he’s still trying to think of one. I think he is waiting to find out if it actually is a boy, because if it’s not, then he wasted time thinking of one. (Not that he said that…that’s just my opinion.) If it’s a girl, her middle name will be Katie Marie. Katie after my best friend, and Marie because it’s both mine and my mom’s middle name. Since the name will either be Nicholas or Elizabeth, I decided to start calling the baby Nickel, until we find out the sex in September. That way, I can stop saying ‘it’, and you won’t think I’m crazy when I keep saying ‘Nickel’ over and over again.