At my last doctor's appointment, Sarah informed me that I would be doing a glucose test at my next appointment, and that day was today.
I had talked to a few friends about this glucose test, and they had nothing but bad things to say about it.
"Oh my God, it's so gross."
"It's so thick and disgusting. You literally have to choke it down."
"You just have to make sure not to throw up after you drink it, or you have to go back and do it again. It's horrible."
Oh joy.
After these words of encouragment, I was NOT looking forward to this testing.
I got to the doctor's office, and when I went up to the counter, they handed me a bottle of what looked like orange soda, so it wasn't really that thick. She told me I had to drink it within 5 minutes and bring the bottle back up when I was done. I took it back to my seat, with all the expectant mothers in the waiting room watching me. They would whisper to their significant others, telling them exactly what it was I was doing. One lady actually said, "I wonder if she'll puke." Thanks, Lady Wearing a Tiger T-Shirt from 1984.
I looked at the bottle, wondering if I was going to win this battle that was put before me. I took the cap off, and started chugging. Once I tasted it, I realized that it tasted exactly like orange soda from McDonald's, but with a few 10 extra spoonfuls of sugar thrown in. It was definitely sweet, but nothing that I couldn't handle. It actually made me crave a happy meal. Yes, yes. I am a fat girl. I'm well aware of this.
I drank the orange drink pretty fast, and took the bottle up to the desk. The lady behind the counter actually said, "You're already done? Wow." She wrote the time down and said they'd call me back in a minute. I didn't really know how to take what she said. Do I take it as I should be proud of myself for drinking something so disgusting? Or should it make me worried that I could handle something so sugary?
I got called back and met with Sarah. It was a pretty quick appointment. I didn't have a lot of questions, just mainly freaking out about this test. I asked her if I could take baths, since the house we are moving into has a kick ass huge tub. She said it was perfectly fine and I could take them as hot as I want. I talked to Kate about this later, and she said I shouldn't stay in the bath for too long though.
Sarah told me that I had to be in the lab in exactly an hour, since it's basically a timed test, so they could draw my blood. Again. I made my next appointment and went out to my car. I wasn't there too long, since I didn't know how long I would be waiting at the lab after I turned my paperwork in.
I walked down to the lab, and of course there was a wait, but I had like 20 minutes, so it was no big deal. Time kept creeping closer, and this girl a few years younger than me was talking to the Check-In lady. But she wasn't just giving her her information. She was bullshitting.
Time kept creeping closer.
She's still blabbing away.
Tick tock.
Blab blab blab.
Finally she goes into the room to get her blood drawn and I have 3 minutes to get my blood drawn. I talk to the Check-In lady and she realizes that I'm on a time draw. She tells the ladies drawing blood, and they try to rush through Blah Blah Ditzy Girl, (who I will forever be bitter towards if my test results didn't turn out because she wouldn't shut up) and finally get me in, almost 5 minutes past when I was supposed to get my blood drawn.
I sit down, and OF COURSE, there is a student doing the blood draws. She takes forever setting up, and once again, OF COURSE, can't find my vein. Instead of getting the actual tech, she tries anyway. Now you know how much I hate to get my blood drawn, especially when it's done by idiots. So she stabs me and realizes she misses. Instead of taking the needle out and trying again, she takes the needle out a little, shifts it to the left, and stabs it back in. WHAT?!? AND she missed again! So what did she do? Her little "Take the needle a little ways out and stab it back in again" move. And did she find the vein? NO!!
Finally, she called the tech over. By this time, I'm super uncomfortable, I have been stabbed multiple times with no blood, and time is quickly running out to do this test. I asked the tech if she has enough time to get this test done, and apparently she had a few minutes to spare. Within 10 seconds of her coming into the room, I had a needle in my arm, in a vein this time, and blood was filling up the capsules. Never trust students.
They had to take 9 capsules full this time, 7 to test against the first round of blood draws that I did when I first got pregnant, and then 2 for the glucose test. It was so much fun! Not.