Friday, October 1, 2010

Another measurement appointment...

We had another ultrasound today! This one was a follow up to our first appointment when they couldn’t get all the measurements they needed because she was still a little small. We went into the ultrasound room, and, once again, she was moving like crazy as soon as she came up on the screen. You could see instantly that she had gotten bigger. I was hoping to see her face a lot, but the ultrasound tech was focused on getting the measurements she needed for the doctor to see, so we didn’t get to see a lot of her close up. I asked the ultrasound tech to make sure that Elizabeth was in fact still a girl, because ever since we found out the sex, women had told me MULTIPLE stories about how they were told that their baby was one gender and then popped out the other. She chuckled, and was happy to double check for us. Elizabeth is definitely still a girl!

The tech did some 3D pictures as well. While I was watching on the screen, I really had no idea what we were looking at. But every time the tech moved the little wand thingy, she kept saying, “Oh how cute! Oh my gosh that’s adorable! Awww, look at that!” Seriously, I saw nothing. Just blobs. I just kinda smiled and nodded like I knew what the hell she was seeing. When she printed out the pictures for us, I finally saw what she was talking about. I still think Elizabeth looks like a gummy bear, but that’s just because she doesn’t have any fat on her yet. It’s still all clinging to me, which is sarcastically awesome. Although we didn’t see a lot of her face, we did see a lot of her body. They took really great pictures of her legs and her hand. And by the one picture she took of her face, you can tell that she has Mike’s chin and nose. Mikey thinks she has my ears, which is cool, but I don’t think Mike has big ears at all, so either is fine by me.

This one she really looks like a little gummy bear.

This is the one that she really looks like Mike. That is totally his nose.