Friday, October 15, 2010

The Big Move...

We finally got all settled into our new house! It’s really beautiful out here. It’s a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom house on 5 acres, for less than what we were paying for our one bedroom apartment. The only drawback is that it’s way out in Ford, WA, which is an hour out of town. But for awhile now, we have been saying that we wanted to get a house out in the country so we can actually see the stars at night, and now we can.

Although I’m not sure how stoked I’ll be about the drive when we have to fill up the gas tank.

The move itself was exhausting, even though I never lifted a thing. Oh believe me, I wanted to, but Mike would never let me. (I love how protective he is of me.) I DID do a lot of “pick a couple small things up, walk them over to a box, go back and pick a couple more things up, walk them back over to the box”. I swear I walked back and forth across the kitchen and into the living room of our apartment 1,000 times. Elizabeth was PISSED by the time I got done doing that. Even I was getting a little disgruntled with it. At one point, I was getting so frustrated with our crappy packing tape, I threw it and started crying. I tried my best to hide it, but Mike could tell I was frustrated. He was a very good boyfriend and came over and gave me a big hug and told me to relax for awhile.

Overall, it went pretty smoothly. I’d say the only other hang up was having to drive Mike’s parents’ truck so far in and trying to find people to help us with the huge stuff since I can’t lift anything. But now that we are getting settled into the new house, it’s nice. We just have to get my couch from my parents, a bed for the guest bedroom from Mike’s parents’, and the crib from Kate’s house, and we’ll be ready to go :)

Here are some pictures of the house. I took them before we got stuff set up, but I will post some soon…

Here is the guest bathroom

Our awesome kitchen

The living room

Master Bedroom

Master bathroom

Mike's man cave (all that stuff is cleared out of there now. It's Mike's cousin's furniture)

The future nursury

Our house!