Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Another Check-Up...

Today I had to go to the doctor's by myself, which I always hate. But I was meeting with Sarah, so I knew I had a shot of getting an ultrasound so I was pumped.

I got to the doctor's and signed in. When I was at the front desk, Sarah saw me and said she was going to see me in the ultrasound room (sweet!). I did the pre-appointment stuff, got called back, got weighed, and waited in the room.

And waited.

And waited.

I waited over a half hour for Sarah to come in to see me. Kate has told me before that since Sarah is so popular and is a talker, you have to constantly wait on her. It got so bad for Kate that she actually stopped seeing her. But I couldn't complain at the moment because I really wanted that ultrasound.

She finally came in and immediately revved up the machine. Because of how big the baby is and how smooshed she is in there, she couldn't get a lot of good pictures. I really wanted to see her face, but she could only see the top of her head (which is frighteningly huge) and kind of a side picture.

It's hard to see, but this is the bottom of her head (she's looking to the left), neck, shoulder, arm, and hand.

This is her heartbeat. If you look at this picture compared to past ones, this one is all baby, where the last ones, you can actually see space around her.

Sarah didn't have her measuring tape, but she felt around with her hands and said I'm right on schedule. I asked if the baby was big for how far along I am, and she said she's really long, which isn't surprising, since both Mike and I are both tall. She also said at our next appointment, they would be checking to see if I was dilated yet, and that she would be the one checking, so it will be cool to see if I'm progressing at all.

Although I had to go by myself AND wait forever, it was still a good appointment since I got to see my little (well...maybe not so little) baby!