Wednesday, September 8, 2010

No More Nickel!...

Today we had our appointment to see if our little baby was a boy or a girl. After the ultrasound tech looked for quite awhile (our baby’s a mover), we found out that it’s a girl! She is officially Elizabeth Katie Marie Roberts.

While the ultrasound tech was looking around, she had to take some measurements and make sure all the internal organs were in order. She took a TON of pictures (which is always great!).

This one is my favorite. You can really tell she has Mike's chin and nose, and you can see her little eyelashes.

She went to show the doctor her findings, but he said that our baby was still a little too small to make any judgments, so we have to go back on October 1st, which is fine by me since that just means we get to see our little girl again :)