Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Most Lamest Doctor's Appointment...

Today we had another checkup appointment. After our last appointment, which was awesome (see “The Most Awesome Doctor’s Appointment”), we thought that we were going to have another great appointment. Wrong. This appointment was your classic Lame-O.

First, we found out that our regular cool doctor (Sarah) doesn’t work on Thursdays, which when we made our appointment and requested her, you would think that the scheduler would’ve told us that she has Thursdays off. So we had LeAnn, the first lady that met with us. This time she was very rushy-rushy. She came in, was very formal and straight to the point, listened to the baby’s heartbeat for like 2 seconds, measured my stomach, and asked if there were any problems. I mentioned that I had been having really bad cramps, and she asked how much water I had been drinking. I said around 4 glasses a day, and she made a disappointing sound. She told me that I need to be drinking a gallon of water a day. That’s right, a GALLON.

After getting over the initial shock of the amount of water I was now required to drink a day, I asked her some other questions I had, like when to make the birthing plan, when to do the testing for spinal bifida/down syndrome, etc. Because of that last question, she then sent me to the hospital to have blood drawn. Oh joy. There are few things I hate more than to have a huge needle stuck in me. And this one hurt a lot. We have to wait for our next doctor’s appointment to hear the results, so of course, my mind has been racing. But Mike says no news is good news, which I hope is the case.

Overall, this appointment was way lame. We were rushed through, it was really impersonal, I now have to drink a butt load of water every day, no surprise ultrasound, AND I had to get blood drawn. Dumb dumb dumb.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

No More Nickel!...

Today we had our appointment to see if our little baby was a boy or a girl. After the ultrasound tech looked for quite awhile (our baby’s a mover), we found out that it’s a girl! She is officially Elizabeth Katie Marie Roberts.

While the ultrasound tech was looking around, she had to take some measurements and make sure all the internal organs were in order. She took a TON of pictures (which is always great!).

This one is my favorite. You can really tell she has Mike's chin and nose, and you can see her little eyelashes.

She went to show the doctor her findings, but he said that our baby was still a little too small to make any judgments, so we have to go back on October 1st, which is fine by me since that just means we get to see our little girl again :)

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Halfway There...

Today I have hit the halfway point! 4 1/2 months down, 4 1/2 months (hopefully) to go.

So far, so good on the baby homefront. Not TOO many things to complain about, but there are some:

Cramps - still going strong. But they are much more painful at this point. I had to actually call my doctor this week just so I wouldn't freak out more than I already was. She asked if I had been bleeding or had any fever or chills. I said no, and she said that it was more than likely something called Round Ligament Pain. It's from the baby growing and my stomach 'muscles' (c'mon...we all know I barely have any of those) stretching out to make room for him/her. But it's ridiculously painful. Sometimes 'make me hunch over and make a noise' pain. And my back isn't any better. It feels as if the baby stretches as far as it can from hip to hip, then shifts around and stretches from front to back, just to make sure it's covering all areas.

Emotions - ask Mike about this one. He LOVES it. (Sarcasm font) Seriously, anything slightly sad/emotional/tug at my heart strings makes me cry like crazy. The other day at work, I was reading something on Yahoo! about this documentary called The Cove (so good. Watch it) and about how all these dolphins are getting slaughtered. Could not stop crying. And I sit right in front of the office, so no matter who comes in, they see me, and whenever anyone needs to walk to anything in the office, they walk past me as well. So all they can see is this blubbering pregnant lady. I literally had to think about baseball to make myself stop. It was like I was a 12 year old boy in English class with a boner.

Boob Pain - This is almost as bad as the cramps. Sometimes the pain in my boobs doubles me over and I'm left clutching them, begging them to stop throbbing. Then I stand up straight and realize I'm in public, looking like I'm molesting myself. Ca-lassy.

Lack of Energy - This only happens near the end of the day. At work, I'm 'Go-Get-Em' and ready to take on the day. Then I get home and just want to sit and do nothing. Maybe paint a bit, but ulgh. Exhausting.

Weirdo Dreams - These are insane. Sometimes they will be awesome, where I'm rich and can fly and can be invisible. But most of the time, they are indescribable and a bit scary. Like I'll dream that Mike got hurt, or like one time, I dreamt that I was trying to hold the baby, but couldn't because my fingers were made of forks, so I was doomed to a life of never getting to hold it. Horrible. And very odd.

But with the bad, come the very good:

Baby Movements - Whenever I have a bit of caffiene, or milk, or lay down in bed at night, I can feel the baby moving around. I love that feeling. It makes me feel like such a mom, but Nickel's not even here yet. I try every time to see if I can feel it on the outside, but my doctor said that probably won't happen until 23 weeks. I feel bad mentioning it to Mike, because he is a little jealous that I can feel Nickel and he can't, so I'm counting down the weeks to when we can both feel the baby.

Hard Belly - This last week, I felt like my belly grew overnight. And not just from the enchiladas I had. My lower stomach had definitely hardened up a bit from the baby, and I love it. I can't stop pushing on it. I was laying on my stomach on my bed the other day and it felt like I had a rock in my belly. And at night, it now kinda hurts to sleep on it, so I have to adjust and learn to sleep on my side (which I hate). I had my dad feel how hard my stomach was getting, and he said, "Maybe that's just some muscles that you didn't know about." I proceeded to laugh for 20 minutes, and then high-five my dad for being such a comedian. But Mike likes to put his hand on my stomach when we're laying in bed about to fall asleep. There are few things I love more in the world then when he does that.

Although it seems that the bad outweigh the good, I absolutely love being pregnant. We have our appointment this Wednesday to find out the sex of the baby and we are both extremely excited for that. We are also moving into a house mid-October, so we can actually decorate a nursery for the baby :) I can't wait to decorate and get everything ready to welcome our little baby into the world.